Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Rep. Luis Gutierrez is a crook

Democrat. Voters in the 4th need to kick him out of office this November, even if you have to write someone else in.

You had to know this would be the result of the follow the money affordable housing laws--corruption and coveted "AH" apartments going to the politically connected--in this case apparently Rep. Gutierrez' daughter.

The alderman involved has been convicted of accepting bribes. Tribune. Sun Times.

Oh, and let's recall this Gutierrez/Rezko deal. Rezko is a convicted felon and is awaiting sentencing. And of course Gutierrez' relationship with Hugo Chavez.

Rep. Gutierrez was arrested the other day for breaking the law while advocating breaking the law. Laws are for other people, yet as a congressman his charge is making law.

What's wrong with this picture? Luis Gutierrez.

What's the bigger picture? The housing corruption fanned by Congressional backing of Fannie and Freddie, which have been deliberately left out of reform measures by Democrats.

Previous post: Note to Luis Gutierrez

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