And he's a citizen.
More. New York Times Square bomb: three passengers removed from Dubai flight
Oh, and he still had a wife in Pakistan, according to FoxNews, with this summary of a pattern:
More than a dozen people with American citizenship or residency, like Shahzad, have been accused in the past two years of supporting or carrying out terrorism attempts on U.S. soil, cases that illustrate the threat of violent extremism from within the U.S.
Among them are Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, a U.S.-born Army psychiatrist of Palestinian descent, charged with fatally shooting 13 people last year at Fort Hood, Texas; Najibullah Zazi, a Denver-area airport shuttle driver who pleaded guilty in February in a plot to bomb New York subways; and a Pennsylvania woman who authorities say became radicalized online as "Jihad Jane" and plotted to kill a Swedish artist whose work offended Muslims.
I suppose we should be happy he was trying to leave the country, rather than stay to try again. This underscores we need to think carefully about to whom we award American citizenship.
...Gee, so much for the Dem talking points.
More. At least some of the neighbors had some ideas about the guy, or maybe neighbors are just getting more outspoken these days--no more mr. nice guy neighbors:
He used to live in a two-story grayish-brown Colonial with a sloping yard in a working-class neighborhood in Shelton. On Tuesday morning, the home looked as if it had been unoccupied for a while, with grass growing in the driveway and bags of garbage lying about.
Neighbors offered diverging descriptions of Shahzad but agreed that he kept to himself. One, Brenda Thurman, said Shahzad had told her husband he worked on Wall Street, while another neighbor, Audrey Sokol, said she thought he worked in nearby Norwalk.
Thurman, 37, said he lived in Shelton with his wife and two small children until last year.
"He was a little bit strange," she said. "He didn't like to come out during the day."
Sokol, a teacher who lives next door to Shahzad's old house, said that he would wave and say hello and that he seemed normal to her.
The teacher's the one who thought he was normal.
...and what about the reaction of our so brilliant Attorney General (is your old law firm going to represent this guy?) Eric Holder:
But Holder said Americans should remain vigilant.
"It's clear," he said, "that the intent behind this terrorist act was to kill Americans."
I guess that's progress. Are we creeped out? Yes we are.
More. Signaling the advent of IEDs in the US. Wonderful. Roadside bombs, not suicide bombers.
More. Politico: Republicans warn against Miranda rights for terror suspect. And of course this guy has a Facebook page.
1 comment:
Oh Anne, I am sorry you were talking about the recent NY bomber, I thought perhaps Bill Ayers was heading to Caracas for a meeting with El Jefe!
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