Andrew McCarthy makes a great point (among many) when he points out that "Self-delusion is a convenient policy."
Convenience. That explains so much of public policy today.
Looking at the direction of this country through the lens of what both leaders and followers will regard as convenient makes it difficult to imagine that our collective goose is not already completely cooked.
The Founders and immigrants who fled to this country to enjoy a life of freedom were not much interested in convenience.
The middle of America. As for me, moderate in everything but politics. As Tom Roeser said, she went to Harvard and turned right. I come from The Chicago School, not the Chicago Way. Tweet street @backyardconserv
Andrew McCarthy makes a great point (among many) when he points out that "Self-delusion is a convenient policy."
Convenience. That explains so much of public policy today.
Looking at the direction of this country through the lens of what both leaders and followers will regard as convenient makes it difficult to imagine that our collective goose is not already completely cooked.
The Founders and immigrants who fled to this country to enjoy a life of freedom were not much interested in convenience.
And you make a great point too.
Thank God our Founders had the fortitude, and the immigrants who followed them.
Will we be worthy of them, and keep this country. That's the question.
Never give up, never give in, always remember. I will...
Shame on those who have.
Thanks Tom.
God Bless.
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