Monday, February 13, 2006

NY Times: Hill is not Bill

The New York Times tucked the story into the New York section, "At the Lectern, Critics and Admirers Agree, Hillary Clinton is no Bill Clinton".

Just a little discussion among friends. Perhaps Al Gore or John Kerry or Howard Dean or Mark Warner were in on the discussion. But perhaps Bill was in the room after all...
But on the whole, her style is often deliberate, cautious and restrained — an approach that her critics say is a calculated strategy to soften her image but that her associates say reflects her sensibilities as a Methodist reared in a conservative Midwestern home.

Richard Norton Smith, the head of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield, Ill., and a speechwriter for several prominent Republicans, indicated that Mrs. Clinton's approach might merely reflect her background.

And that, he noted, lent a certain irony to a moment during Mrs. King's funeral when Mr. Clinton, a Baptist at home with black audiences, playfully teased former President George Bush about his conservative Episcopal upbringing.

"Clinton, when he joked about the 'chosen frozen,' was referring to George Bush, but unwittingly pointed out the contrast between himself and the woman next to him," Mr. Smith said, referring to Mrs. Clinton, who was at her husband's side during his remarks.

Who knew?

Hillary is really a conservative, frozen face and all, presidential timber to be mentioned in the same breath as Abraham Lincoln. And unlike Bill the lying, womanizing,#**#%??##!!! Ok, Ok (I think Hillary is in the room)...

...Hillary is a God-fearing woman, a Methodist to boot and now after carpetbagging her way to the Senate from the great liberal state of New York, she's back to being a Midwesterner!!!

Well thanks but no thanks, the heartland has gotten along fine without Hillary.

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