Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Democrats' War

Here's the war the Democrats want to fight, beating up on consumer-friendly retail giant Wal-Mart. In case you didn't know, Wal-Mart is akin to the robber barons of old, all for undercutting union wages.

The Democrat presidential candidates for 2008 have launched their opening salvo, at a union rally in Iowa. NY Times, via RCP:
Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, a likely Democratic presidential candidate in 2008, delivered a 15-minute, blistering attack to warm applause from Democrats and union organizers here on Wednesday. But Mr. Biden’s main target was not Republicans in Washington, or even his prospective presidential rivals.

It was Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest private employer.
I wrote about this back in February, where the tactic surfaced in the primary season in Illinois and elsewhere. Earlier posts here and here.

So far, all the Democrat Left and their union allies have succeeded in doing is driving Wal-Mart and other big-box retailers out of Chicago and into neighboring suburbs, where they are providing jobs and opportunity.

I imagine the Democrats will have as much success with this war as with any other, given their track record.

UPDATE: Scrolling to catch up at Capitol Fax, this related story on Illinois Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn's idea to push big-box out of the state.

UPDATE !!: Captain's Quarters on the subject (emphasis mine):
The Democrats want to fool people into thinking that government edicts can somehow override market forces of supply and demand. They would do better by ending the public-school monopoly that delivers so many graduates with minimal job skills, forcing them into choices that limit themselves to Wal-Mart's entry-level positions. The truth is that the job market values skills such as literacy, competence, and education, and rewards hard work and experience, and that is what allows people to live middle-class lives.

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