Thursday, October 23, 2008

McCain: Joe the Plumber Keep Your Wealth Plan

Sen. McCain is campaigning for us and Joe the Plumber to keep what wealth we have, and Americans are paying attention. Per Rasmussen, 58% Favor Tax Cuts Over Another Stimulus Plan. Democrats are already talking about wanting to spend another $300 billion at least and the experience is that tax rebates don't work--they don't help the economy. WSJ:
After the dot-com bust, President Bush compromised with Senate Democrats and delayed his marginal-rate income tax cuts in return for immediate tax rebates. The rebates goosed spending for a while but provided no increase in incentives to invest. Only after 2003, when the marginal-rate cuts took effect immediately, combined with cuts in dividend and capital gains rates, did robust growth return.
As the Journal points out--at least the last rebate went directly back to taxpayers--this next round would go to PORK. How will they pay for all this BLOATED government? Only 5% of us will pay you say? No,no, no. Increasingly Americans are becoming aware that Obama's tax cuts are phony--they're disguised welfare payouts--why else would he say there's a "work requirement" now? Democrats will raise taxes. They always do. Big Ten Battleground here. Battleground, Jim Geraghty:
Fascinating stuff in the Battleground Poll's full report out today. Obama leads McCain, 44-42, with 13 percent undecided.
AP even. IBD/TIPP tightening--the most accurate in the last election. It's tight and tough but we're fighting. We're fighting for America.

Vote for the McCain Joe, or Tom, or Jane the Plumber keep your wealth plan.

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