Friday, January 16, 2009

Ayers Draws Dissent

Bill Ayers was invited to speak at Florida State University by the Institute for Liberal Studies. Protesters gathered outside, but were moved by police to a designated free speech zone:
FSU senior and member of College Republicans Ashley Schow, bearing a sign reading “Ayers lied, people died,” took issue with the confinement of their protest.

The free speech zones on campus are designated by the Board of Trustees. While recognizing that events such as this may stir strong feelings, FSUPD spokesperson Major Jim Russell said his primary concern is maintaining order. “It can’t be an out-of-control type situation,” Russell said. “There are classes going on, there are people that are going about their business. You’ve got to make sure it’s a safe event.”
Liberals--making the world safe for unrepentant domestic terrorists.

The subject? School reform.

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