Monday, January 05, 2009

Barackstar Dipping a Bit

Some cracks in the simpering adulation and conformity of the MSM as AP's Ron Fournier welcomes the Barackstar to Washington. "Analysis: Barack Obama tested by stimulus, scandal":

The next president of the United States understands that the power of his office has its limits, even in crisis. He knows, too, how weary voters are of the seamy, transactional side of politics as outlined in the cases involving Richardson and Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich — the latter a "pay for play" scandal that may yet reach into Obama's inner circle.

"These are the first nicks in the president-elect's armor for changing the way that Washington works," said Republican strategist Joe Gaylord. "What might be happening is the rude awakening to the fact that talking about change and actually accomplishing it are two different things."

Well, yeah, and maybe his so-called reformer image is surface only. And then again he has no executive experience. More below:

The New Mexico governor abandoned his nomination under pressure of a federal investigation into how his political donors landed a lucrative state transportation contract. Obama's team and Richardson knew of the investigation when the Commerce post was offered in November.

What changed? The political atmosphere. While there is no public evidence that Obama or his team had anything to do with peddling his Senate seat — the accusation facing Blagojevich — the Illinois case has shone an unwelcome spotlight on the political system that gave birth to Obama's career. It raises again the questions about Obama's ties to questionable figures such as convicted influence peddler Tony Rezko.

Fournier mentions Rahmbo and speculates he could go too. Most of this was known before the election. Wasn't it. But it was unwelcome news to the MSM, and still is. Only Blago's remarkable stupidity and greed, captured on tape, has forced them to deal with it. Another pay to play scandal coming up with the trial of Clinton fundraiser Norm Hsu, which not only involves Hillary, but we now learn impacts Obama as well.

UPDATE: Andrea Tantaros, The Fox Forum, "Ethically Challenged? What Does the Richardson News Say About Obama?" Not change, but "emotional impotence"? Here's the Moderate Voice:

Imagery matters in politics, and no matter who is blamed for the big “NEVER MIND!” from the New Mexico Governor — a centrist Democrat who seems perpetually cursed with being the guy with a great resume and great potential who never quite seems to live up to it [me--who are we talking about here, hm?]— the fact is Barack Obama will come out smelling like something less than a rose. Between Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s raising the Obama team’s name in the Senate Seat For Sale Scandal (”pay to play), slivers of alleged and unproven Chicago skeletons being repeated by partisan-foe talk show hosts (the evergreen topic: Tony Rezko) and now Richardson, Obama’s toe must be beet red. You can certainly now see some facial political blemishes.

Meanwhile, Dem Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi scraps all the fairness reforms instituted under the GOP's Contract with America in 1994, which term-limited committee chairmen and gave rights to the minority so the majority couldn't cut backroom deals. Apparently bi-partisanship only goes one way for Dems. And Obama hasn't even been inaugurated yet.

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