Friday, February 17, 2006

The See no Evil Peaceniks

I was out walking my dogs the other day and strayed over the border into the People's Republic of Evanston. I came across this sign (See LEFT, naturally).

Looking at the date I thought maybe this leftie was recycling an old sign or would have a long time to wait until November. A typical muddled message from the left. (See earlier post "We Can't Wait for This" for who World Can't Wait really is)

But apparently something is going on this Saturday---a Cindy Sheehan rally with the aging peaceniks, as described by the Tribune. The kickoff is at Democrat Congressional Committee Campaign Chairman Rahm Emanuel's office in Chicago. (To his credit, Emanuel has refused to meet with Sheehan.)Here is an amazing list of sponsoring organizations, including several communist party groups and at least one anti-Semitic group.

The left continues to show great compassion for the terrorists or enemy combatants being held in Guantanamo. The UN recently issuing a report condemning the treatment of prisoners there without even having visited, a report the US vigorously disputes.

And for the few who were abused a la Larry Flynt at Abu Ghraib, those maverick soldiers who abused prisoners at Abu Ghraib were turned in by their fellow soldiers and are now serving time themselves. Pictures that have surfaced recently on Australian TV are not new, most from the convicted soldier's hard drive. The few dead bodies shown were killed in a prison riot, not as a result of interrogation.

While the silhouette on the sign gives the impression the terrorists being held were crucified or hung, they were not, they were forced to stand on a bucket blindfolded with their arms out.

Real hangings happen in Iran, where they hang teenage girls for defending themselves from rapists. (See my earlier post: Real Oppression in Iran)

And real torture under Saddam Hussein in Iraq here from a British government dossier, and here, according to the State Dept:
A system of collective punishment tortures entire families or ethnic groups for the acts of one dissident. Women are raped and often videotaped during rape to blackmail their families. Citizens are publicly beheaded, and their families are required to display the heads of the deceased as a warning to others who might question the politics of this regime.
And mass murder of hundreds of thousands occurred in Iraq under Saddam Hussein, who is now being tried for his war crimes.

One of the leaders of the Evanston group, said "social justice and peace movements have changed over the years":
The activists, young and idealistic, were impatient in the past. Now, the peace movement has come of age, she said.
Perhaps they're feeling their age....See no evil, hear no evil....

But by not recognizing and speaking of real evil and injustice how can they claim any credibility at all?


Tom said...

Charno, let's get real for a minute - the world is a brutal place. There is no way that everyone is going to get together & sing Kum-Ba-Ya and mean it, especially with people who have stated that it is their mission & their commandment from their god to kill everyone that does not believe as they do.

As far as I can tell (and I do have friends in the military and "other" government agencies), the military's treatment of terrorists and other persons of interest is far better than what the rest of the world would do to them in similer circumstances. I guarantee you that these people would absolutely disappear off the face of the earth if they were caught in some of the Middle Eastern countries.

I really don't see the terrorists abiding by the Geneva Convention's ban on torture. They seem to relish beheading innocent civilians. But then again, what about the torture & beheadings of Iraqis at the hands of Saddam's secret police just so they could get their kicks? Want to ignore that?

Anne, my apologies for hijacking the comments with a rant, but you are dead on with your post. Reality cannot be wished away or ignored, no matter how dedicated you may be to the cause of peace.

Levois said...

I wonder the same thing about why they're on the wrong side of the issues. This was a great post.