Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Those Strong Women

First we have Elizabeth Edwards going after Hillary, now Michelle Obama is making snide remarks (La Hunter, known for her impeccable political judgement, views this as a sign of strength):
At another stop, in Atlantic, Michelle said she travels with her husband in part "to model what it means to have family values," adding "if you can't run your own house, you can't run the White House." She didn't elaborate, but it could be interpreted as a swipe at the Clintons.
No interpretation needed, fortunately, as we wouldn't get it from Jennifer.

This commentator refers to it as Desperate for the White House Wives.

Liberals charge conservatives are afraid of strong women. But it's liberals like Hillary who can't really take the heat of debate, (and get a pass from the MSM press corps--has anyone asked her about the Rose law firm records?) taking refuge in victimhood when it suits them, (changing her pantsuit for a pretty-in-pink skirt) and the Dems' male candidates encourage their wives to engage in an unseemly cat fight.

Should Rudy win the nomination I look forward to his debates with Hillary. And he won't have to dress in drag to do it, nor will he hide behind his wife's skirts.

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