Thursday, September 20, 2007

Columbia Invites Holocaust Proponent

Hugh Hewitt on Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's stated intention to tour Ground Zero during his visit to NYC to speak to the UN, despite having been turned down by the NYPD. Also Columbia University invites him to speak. As Hewitt says, it's as if Oxford had invited Hitler:
A caller to yesterday's show suggested a massive bit of civil disobedience to block the streets around the area, perhaps led by city fire, police and Port Authority personnel, though of course the safety of the people they serve would come first. The idea of allowing freedom of the city to this fanatic who leads a rogue regime in the search for nukes and on so many other terrorist enterprizes is disgusting and Mayor Bloomberg and the president need to coordinate a firm response that bluntly communicates that we will not be bullied here or abroad.

UPDATE: Powerline informs us that Columbia University has invited the fanatic to its campus. Perhaps the university will extend invitations to the families of Americans killed by the highly lethal IEDs Iran has manufacture and smuggled into the county, or even some of the soldiers and Marines wounded by them. Survivors of those killed in the 1983 barracks bombing or of the 1994 attack in Buenos Aires?
If anyone has kids at Columbia, or are alums, speak up. (Sadly, we can't count on graduates of its famed School of Journalism to be outraged at this. Nor will feminists, despite Iran's vile treatment of women.)

Related post: WMD Explosion in Syria Revealed, Muslim Brotherhood Terror Takover

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