Friday, November 02, 2007

Hate That Hate

Democrats claim to be concerned about civil liberties, but they are pretty loose-lipped in their invitations to the thought police to work overtime rounding us all up.

Hate speech is the soup of the day. We are apparently swimming in hate speech around here. (Oh, excuse me, except when we're not.)

This is what comes of too many lawyers with too much time on their hands. What was that Shakespeare quote?

Oh, the bard a hate-monger?

And..."slow learners" that nice? Is that...PC? Someone might take offense at such an unkind remark (typically liberal ad hominem when-they-have-no-other-points attack) But let me ask these hand-wringing, nose-sniffing hate speech snoops--what about real hate? (Come on, Ms. liberal of 10th, should we be frisking Norwegian grandmothers at airports? Unless you think lutefisk is lethal. Well, you may have a point.)

What about silence in the face of hate-filled conspiracy theorists?

What about actual death threats? (Some might call it advocating genocide. A war crime last I checked.)

What about hate-filled actions?

What about murder in a schoolyard?

What about gouging out eyes and horrific routine torture?

Screened for reporters last week by Washington's American Enterprise Institute, the 4-plus-minute video clip, reportedly obtained from the Pentagon, captures the routine beating, torture, dismemberment and decapitation that occurred daily at the hands of Saddam's henchmen.

However, only a handful of reporters showed up to see the new video, and even fewer reported on it.

One journalist present was New York Post's Washington bureau chief Deborah Orin, who wrote of "savage scenes of decapitation, fingers chopped off one by one, tongues hacked out with a razor blade – all while victims shriek in pain and the thugs chant Saddam's praises."

Iraqi prisoner beaten by Saddam's torturers (AEI video)

Noting that "Saddam's henchmen took the videos as newsreels to document their deeds in honor of their leader," Orin added, "but these awful images didn't show up on American TV news."

In fact, Orin mulled, why did no U.S. media "air the videos of Nick Berg and Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl getting decapitated, or of U.S. contractors in Fallujah getting torn limb from limb by al-Qaida operatives," and yet gave saturation coverage, including endless photos, of Iraqi prisoners being abused by U.S. troops at Abu Ghraib.

For that matter, why did no U.S. media air images of American hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr. being beheaded earlier this week by his terrorist captors in Saudi Arabia?

What about using chemical weapons on your own citizens---men, women and children alike?

What about hanging girls for defending themselves from rapists, stoning women to death for adultery, executing gays, and executing children?

What about Islamo-Fascists threatening moderate Muslims? And what about "liberals" trying to shut up those same moderate Muslims?

So fine, deny it all you like, fool around with your puny objections to wounding words. (Where was your post on Columbia, hmm? Where was your concern for civil liberties and human rights?) And let the grown-ups handle the world as it is, and protect your right to whine from those who hate our very existence.

Hate that hate, liberals.

UPDATE: Background on the hate debate. Team America. Liberal Ellen it's all about me of course. El Rider with thoughts on Shakespeare and other brilliance. Wilmette blog with a unique take.

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