Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Fired Up for Romney on Rush

Got an email from a friend, transcript of Rush on Mitt. Here's one excerpt:
CALLER: Watch what happens if Mitt Romney wins the Republican nomination. Watch what happens when everybody is not fighting against Mitt Romney. The guy is a conservative, okay? People talk about problems with the economy or whatever the issue is, he's a problem solver. We do not want the same old same old. You know, when people are in politics year after year after year after year after year, it becomes same old same old. It is exciting to me to get an innovator in there, to get somebody in there who will open their eyes. I mean if you read a little bit about the Olympics, it's like, he comes in there, sits there, he listens to everybody, what is the issue? He figures out how to solve the problem.He doesn't figure out politics. Okay, you just watch what happens if he gets the Republican nomination. I wish people would get behind this man. This man is the real McCoy.

RUSH: Are you related to him in any way?

CALLER: No, I'm not. But, you know, as time goes by, I was just so disgusted. I did not know what to do. The first time I saw Huckabee, I thought he's a real nice guy, he has good jokes, but I thought, you know what, after I first heard him I thought, he's Jimmy Carter. Huckabee is Jimmy Carter, and I got afraid of Huckabee. And McCain, McCain had a real great war experience. That's wonderful. You know, he's a nice guy. He is the same old same old. He's not a Republican; he's not a conservative. I thought we learned that four years ago, or eight years ago, whatever it was. I thought we already learned that.

RUSH: Well, I just --

CALLER: I like Thompson because he's conservative.

RUSH: Yeah. Disa, you just have to understand here that the Drive-Bys are trying to run our nomination process, and they're trying to choose the nominee they would like so as to effectively guarantee our defeat. This is precisely what they're doing. Your instincts have taken you in the right direction
Apparently lots of women calling in, Rush quote: "here's another BABE for Mitt". Tune in tomorrow. Hey, maybe I'll call in. Nah, wouldn't want to mess up the sample.

UPDATE: By the way interesting stats on the public's view of the MSM. Great news actually. Via LGF:

Sacred Heart University in Connecticut has conducted a poll on Americans’ opinions about the news media—and the amount of distrust is surprising even to me: Americans Slam News Media on Believability.

The era of the media mandarins, handing down unquestioned wisdom from their high-tech towers, is most definitely over.

FAIRFIELD, Conn.—A Sacred Heart University Poll found significantly declining percentages of Americans saying they believe all or most of media news reporting. In the current national poll, just 19.6% of those surveyed could say they believe all or most news media reporting. This is down from 27.4% in 2003.
More numbers, including the public's view of the MSM handling of war reporting.

Ann Coulter pegs the MSM:
One clue that Romney is our strongest candidate is the fact that Democrats keep viciously attacking him while expressing their deep respect for Mike Huckabee and John McCain.

This point was already extensively covered in Chapter 1 of "How To Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)": Never take advice from your political enemies.

Turn on any cable news show right now, and you will see Democratic pundits attacking Romney, calling him a "flip-flopper," and heaping praise on McCain and Huckleberry -- almost as if they were reading some sort of "talking points."[snip]

Liberals claim to be enraged at Romney for being a "flip-flopper." I've looked and looked, and the only issue I can find that Romney has "flipped" on is abortion. When running for office in Massachusetts -- or, for short, "the Soviet Union" -- Romney said that Massachusetts was a pro-choice state and that he would not seek to change laws on abortion.

Romney's first race was against Sen. Teddy Kennedy -- whom he came closer to beating than any Republican ever had. If Romney needed to quote "The Communist Manifesto" to take out that corpulent drunk, all men of good will would owe him a debt of gratitude.
UPDATE: Karl Rove previews strategies against Clinton, Obama. And this:

Rove also offered advice to whichever Republican candidate wins the GOP nomination.

He said the candidates had to first “create a sustaining narrative about themselves.” Then he said the candidate should “immediately engage” on the “kitchen table issues,” like healthcare, education, jobs and the economy.

Third, Rove said the GOP nominee has to show that he is serious about campaigning “aggressively in places where Republicans don’t usually campaign.” Rove said that includes among black, Latino, Asian and union voters.

“We’re going for everybody,” Rove said.

Lastly, Rove argued that the Republican candidate must show the electorate “that they understand the surge is working.” Rove said the candidate should get firmly behind the war effort, painting the Democratic nominee as “defeatist.”

Mitt is well-positioned.

P.S. Rush compared David Brooks to Pat Buchanan. Still thinking about that one. I assume he's talking about this column, where Brooks dissed supply-side economics--and advocates going after Sam's Club Republicans. The key point with Buchanan was that he was a huge protectionist--I don't think any serious Republican is advocating that (Huckabee is).[Note: Kudlow articles that give some needed perspective here and here.]

UPDATE: Missed this this morning. Powerline:

When Markos Moulitsas urges Democrats to vote for Mitt Romney in the Republican primary, it is a story worthy of coverage by CNN and others. When the McCain campaign urges Democrats to vote for Senator McCain in the Republican primary, however, it is a story that barely registers. Will anyone who does this work for a living ask Senator McCain about the propriety of inviting Democrats to participate in the selection of the Republican nominee for president?

UPDATE: Jason interviews good guys at the Romney victory party last night.

Previous posts: Mapping Out a Path for the GOP,
Sweet on Mitt!!!, Michigan Moment-um?

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