Sunday, January 27, 2008

Obama's Glass House

UPDATE: Obama vows to give all Rezko money back. WaPo, with great dig from his spokesman at Hillary:
Burton said the campaign was "constantly reviewing our contributions" and anticipated that refunds would come "by the time the Clintons release those library records. "
After his decisive win in South Carolina there will be new scrutiny of Barack Obama.

John Kass, Chicago Tribune "If you look closely, it's plain: Rezko is Obama's problem":
Last week, the Clintons tricked his campaign into playing racial politics, and as others have noted, the Obama people bit, and played the race card and he finally fell out of the sky and became the black candidate. Now that he's scrambling on the ground with the mortals, the Clintons will try to bury him with Rezko.

It's ugly and political and predictable, but fair. Obama has had the benefit of a loving media. If the Clintons want to force a constitutional crisis upon the country with a co-presidency, they must continue on the offensive.
People who live in glass houses... Obama's is transparently Rezko friendly.

UPDATE: A notable comment on Teddy Kennedy's endorsement of Obama.

Previous posts: Imaginary Obama, Fractured Rainbow, Hillary-Rezko Connection, Obama Slammed with Rezko

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