Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pity Me Hillary

Pityfest for Hillary among the aging feminists in today's Tribune, who bemoan that feminism is just above liberal as an epithet. Well, it's earned.

Hillary wants to have it both ways--she's a feminist and a victim, she says she's not playing the gender card when her candidacy was built on it--and on her husband's career.

I may not think much of Barack Obama as presidential material, but if he rids us all of the curse of the Clintons I will be eternally grateful.

Does Hillary measure up? The answer is still no.

Now the race is on to Illinois Feb. 5th, bringing here the personal-is-political hell she carts around, and visiting it on more than a few unfortunate souls.

UPDATE: Clinton Fatigue--near universal?

Previous posts: Hillary Rezko Connection, Obama Slammed with Rezko, Slum Lord Democrats, Hillary's Papers vs. "Political Candidate X", Reaping the Whirlwind

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