MR. RUSSERT: You do write this, and it’s a very interesting observation, “
When you watch Clinton vs. Gingrich or Gore vs. Bush or Kerry vs. Bush”—so that’s ‘98, 2000, 2004--“you feel like these are fights that were taking place back in dorm rooms in the sixties. Vietnam, civil rights, the sexual revolution, the role of government - all that stuff has just been playing itself out, and I think people sort of feel like, Okay, let’s not re-litigate the sixties 40 years later.” Are you suggesting that those political players are, are the past and you represent a new generation that won’t get caught or bogged down in those kinds of debates?Someone else has said those who don't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.
SEN. OBAMA: I think, I think the categories we’ve been using were forged in the ‘60s. You know, I think the arguments about big government vs. small government, the arguments about, you know, the sexual revolution, military vs. nonmilitary solutions to problems.
He excuses his inexperience and touts his own judgment. So who does Barack hang out with early in his political career? Who does he visit with and accept money from? It's a club of radical chic professors, of which he is one--people who are in favor of taking the law into their own hands--the hardcore Left. In particular, one William Ayers--a domestic terrorist bomber, who is still unrepentant all these years later.
Wisconsin voters may recall the UW Sterling Hall bombing, which took a promising young physics researcher's life. You may want to rethink supporting someone who takes the taking of a life so lightly, who thinks nothing of taking money from someone who thinks it's OK to bomb the Capitol when they don't get their way.
And I'll leave you with one last thought--when has Obama ever stuck his neck out for anyone?
Except Tony Rezko.
UPDATE: Tom Bevan, RCP Blog: Rezkobama plus a Bloomberg story:
UPDATE: The SEIU-er rat endorsement is pending. Charles Krauthammer "Obama Casts His Spell"Besides his relationship with indicted businessman Antoin Rezko, Obama might face Republican criticism over contacts with a former leader of the Weather Underground, a banker with ties to a convicted felon and even his church.
``He has had relationships with individuals who are controversial, he has had relationships with individuals who are in trouble,'' said Cindi Canary, director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform.
Since Bloomberg mentions it, related post on Barack's spiritual mentor: But we can always hOpe, and on Barack, Alexi and "Jaws" Giorengo: Obama on the Spot too, and more recently, Obama's continued alliance with Alexi the Granny Grifter.
UPDATE: Larry Kudlow on Obama's gloomy big-government vision.
UPDATE: Recall this from last summer about Barack's fundraiser-friend Bill Ayers:
CAIR is charged as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas case pending in Texas, as is the Chicago-based Islamic Society of North America, as they prepare for this year's convention.More here:
Will they again invite US domestic terrorist Bernadine Dohrn (now a professor at Northwestern Law School, who spoke on torture), a notorious apologist for terror, and nuke-seeking Iranian officials? Or maybe this time they'll invite Dohrn's husband, Bill Ayers, a specialist on nail bombs, who felt "he didn't do enough" bombing. (Ayers teaches at the publicly funded University of Illinois Chicago, as a "Distinguished Professor of Education". How nice for us in Chicagoland.)
Another line of argument, different but equally contemptuous of pacific democratic political change, is that of Marxism. Now that Che Guevara is fashionable again, it is fascinating to read of Ayers in his own bedroom, dominated by a gigantic poster of the man in the beret. Writes Ayers: "I was a revolutionary anarcho-communist…small c, intent on overthrowing the government, a worthy if immodest goal."UPDATE: On the death of a terrorist in Syria(#1 comment):
There have been many educated terrorists, including Weathermen. Even more disconcerting is the realization that some like Mark Rudd have gone on to become professional educators. Rudd's former accomplices, Bill Ayers and Dianna Oughton, worked in a pre-school during their years in the movement, and today he is "Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Illinois, Chicago." The author of several books, including A Kind and Just Parent, Ayers knows a lot about shaping with words
UPDATE: Say Anything:Another interesting issue raised by Mughniyah’s death is the impact this will have on the next U.S. Administration’s policy toward Syria. It’s no doubt problematic that the Asad regime provides sanctuary to top former Saddam regime elements who help orchestrate the insurgency in Iraq, getting a lot of U.S. soldiers killed in the process. But this hasn’t stopped many in the United States from arguing that “dialogue” with Damascus is the solution to these misunderstandings.
But Syrian attempts to harbor a leading killer of American citizens like Mughniyah will likely be viewed even more harshly by Washington. It will be more difficult for a candidate like Senator Obama to make the case for talks when Syrian behavior is so brazenly anti-American. The harboring of Mughniyah and others belies Syrian officials’ claims (like those of Syrian Ambassador Imad Mustafa) that Damascus seeks good relations with Washington.
From Moonbattery
Equivalents would be Heinrich Himmler’s face on a Nazi flag, Felix Dzerzhinsky on a Soviet flag or Honcho Nuon Chea on the flag of the Khmer Rouge’s Cambodia. None of these socialist sociopaths was more aggressively evil than Guevara. Humberto Fontova documents some of the dark deeds of Fidel Castro’s chief executioner.
Yet the mainstream media doesn’t seem to find this worth mentioning.
UPDATE: Kossacks defensive and worried.
Previous posts: Obama-Che Evolves to Guevaragate, Big Wave Barack, Just another angry liberal
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