Thursday, March 27, 2008

Not the Wright Stuff

No. Liberals are always trying this moral equivocation.

Up until now it was--you can do whatever you want, as long as you say politically correct things. Hollywood types do this all the time. Bill Clinton was famous for it--serially sexually-harassing women and allegedly even raping them, but he supported the full feminist platform, so he got a pass.

But now this moral myopia has evolved. Now we are supposed to excuse the deliberate hate speech and America-is-evil-conspiracy theorizing of Sen. Barack Obama's spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, most recently found engaging in the most vile anti-Semitic lies via his church bulletin only last summer.

So now it is politically correct to engage in hate speech.

But of course, we can't call it hate speech--that might be considered a PC crime. And we can't have that. Who knew what the Rev. Wright was really thinking after all, he might have had good intentions. (And he did serve his country years ago.)

And I agree, and have said before--who wants thought police? What is a hate crime really? Let's just prosecute crimes. Let's prosecute actions.

And let's just make a judgment on this kind of talk from the Rev. Wright. Let's just call this--wrong.

And yes, Andrew, Wright is the moral equivalent of David Duke. John McWhorter, City Journal, reviews Larry Elders' latest book:
But Ten Things You Can’t Say was only partly about race issues. In his new book, Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card—and Lose, Elder zeroes in on what ails black America: an obsession with racism. Elder repudiates the “Sharptons, Jacksons, Clintons, liberals who prattle about the ‘unfinished’ business of racism in America, and other public figures, including some sports figures and entertainers—all claiming to ‘keep it real’ by stirring the pot and keeping blacks angry.” [snip]

Elder quotes James Q. Wilson’s 38 most important words for black Americans: “Finish high school, marry before having a child, and produce the child after the age of twenty. Only 8 percent of families who do this are poor; 79 percent of those who fail to do this are poor.” Few could deny the wisdom of that counsel, but many fail to see that it logically requires letting go of the racism fetish. As Elder puts it: “Racists do not prevent kids from studying, racists do not demand that men father children outside of wedlock.” And further: “Complete and total eradication of racism cannot instill the necessary moral values that create healthy, prosperous communities.”

Besides, Elder observes, “if racists hold blacks back, they’re doing a bad job.” In 2003, total earned income by blacks was $656 billion, a sum so large that this “black GDP—if blacks represented their own country—places them within the top sixteen countries in the world.”

The Wright stuff is wrong for America. Moral equivocation and double standards help no one. And many black Americans have figured this out. Don't insult their intelligence--and their efforts.

Related posts: Barack Bought His Bicycle, Obama's Millennial Stumble?, Pastor Disaster Magnified, Barack Lies About His Own Grandmother, Not Enough

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