Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Argentina Cries Out

Peronist Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the president of Argentina (wife of the previous president), is in trouble. She's whining they're picking on her because she's a woman. She raised taxes, supposedly just on the rich, but the rest of the country is suffering as well and has taken to the streets. Time:
Over their 21-day rebellion, the farmers had received the wide support of Argentina's middle class, which has been hit by inflation and angered by the government's alleged rigging of official inflation figures to disguise its true rise. In cities across the country, supporters of the tax rebellion took to the street last week banging pots and pans in scenes reminiscent of the wildfire protests that brought down five presidents in a row after Argentina defaulted on its foreign debt six years ago. The protests turned violent a week ago when supporters of the president wielding sticks attacked supporters of the farmers who congregated in front of the presidential palace in Buenos Aires.[snip]

President Fernandez insisted that her reforms were part of "profound measures to redistribute income" that she considers central to her government program.
More on Cristina:
"My mother had photos of Evita in her wardrobe," recalls Fernández. Evita was beautiful in the photos, "like a fairy," she remembers.

But Fernández says she identifies with Evita’s other image: that of a combative, austere woman with her hair up in a bun and clenched fist held high, which was taken up in the 1970s by the young revolutionaries of the Peronist left.
Now Drudge says she's claiming the Falklands. Is it war? (How could this be--aren't Leftie women supposed to be incapable of inciting "cycles of violence"? Not to mention war? An act of aggression?!)

(What will the Brits do? Where's the Iron Lady when they need her?) Argentina Cries Out. Cautionary tales abound. Another Leftie Warmonger. As a distraction.

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