Gun violence that swept through swaths of Chicago over the weekend pressed into midweek Wednesday when five people were found slain in a South Side home.Barack Obama cares soooo much, when he had a chance to "make a difference", he gave gang members a pass. Do black victims and innocent bystanders, many children, murdered not matter to you at all, Barack? Jake Tapper, ABC on a new ad coming out:
The afternoon crackle of gunfire in the Chatham neighborhood boosted a grim statistic: In fewer than seven days, the city has seen at least 40 shootings resulting in more than a dozen deaths.
Many of the recent shootings have been attributed to ongoing gang feuds...
The subject of the ad is Obama's record on gang violence, which in recent days has become a real problem in Obama's home town of Chicago. [snip]The sainted Barack Obama turned his back. This is part of the narrative too. The questions raised in the ad are legitimate, especially given Obama's radical friends. And they will continue to be raised. Video here.
The ad is factually correct in that Obama on May 15, 2001, Obama voted against legislation, H.B. 1812, that would have extended the death penalty for murders committed "in furtherance of gang activity."
P.S. Barack--I don't think you want to use former GOP Governor George Ryan for political cover. This is Illinois, after all, where Ryan was a member of the Combine that is on trial now in a similar, but much, much worse case. We are talking mostly Democrats here. And Ryan is in jail. Not for his lurch to the Left, his massive violation of victims' rights in his blanket clemency of those on death row--that was a bid to avoid jail, oh and for a Nobel Peace Prize of course, not especially noted for awarding them to staunch Republicans.
UPDATE: The Rev. Wright continues to speak out. RCP Blog. Oh, and Obama gets some guts--finally agrees to appear on FoxNews Sunday.
UPDATE Friday in response to the UnReasonable. Think about this please. School choice, the civil rights issue of our day. The Democrats deny and deny this, in thrall to the teachers' union, even as many send their own kids to private schools, if they can afford it. And it's the culture that fosters this violence. Obama is an enabler of that.
--crossposted at UNCoRRELATED
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