Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Let them eat cake” of 2008

Ed Morrissey, HotAir on the Barackstar revealed Baracksnob. HotAir, Baracky, the movie: (Hey, I prefer Hillary to this nasty phony--she's at least a blatant nasty phony?!) The Newtster knows the score.

America doesn't need you Barack.

You are the one who needs help. You are the one who needs to change. (And yeah, we should be grateful to him for not accusing us of being racist.) Enough. Crawl back to your leftist hole in Hyde Park.

P.S. Eat your heart out Rahmbo:
12. It undermines Democratic congressional candidates who had thought that Obama would make a stronger top for the ticket than Clinton. Already, Republican House candidates are challenging their Democratic opponents to renounce or embrace Obama’s remarks.

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