Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Rahmbo's House

With GOP challengers locally putting pressure on in the 8th and 9th, his incredible shrinking district, the drag of Hillary at the top of the ticket, now Rahmbo has to worry his House is on the rocks. He tried to shore up his shaky freshmen as positive events in Iraq have overtaken their kneejerk anti-war stance. (Gee Rahm, didn't you Dems have a plan? or a plan B?) NY Times "Vulnerable Democrats Fret About Clinton Ticket". But it may not just be Hillary that's the problem:
Democrats say they have not polled on the issue, though a private survey that surfaced this year found that the nomination of either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Obama could cut into support for House Democrats in tough districts.
And the Do-Nothing Democrats have no record to run on except their preemptive surrender at any price anti-war stance. The Politico "WH Says 1,000,000 docs handed over":
“There are a number of dry holes that got drilled,” a senior administration official said. “People don’t care about it. The public is saying: Gas is at $3 a gallon. Is there any energy bill? No.”

The official even made sport of the Democrats’ approach, calling it “purely reflexive.”

“People are having concerns with their mortgages,” the official said. “Is there a mortgage bill? No. We have a government to fund. Is there any appropriations bill? No.

“But, I’ve got a new subpoena for you today — and we’re going to hold somebody in contempt. Doesn’t that help you?”
And when Congress glibly says DOD can just shift funds from one account to the other and redirect them to the troops, they know that's a lie, as they're the ones who set up the red-tape and restrictions in the first place. They continue to shortchange our troops, putting their lives at risk even as the surge succeeds, and putting the DOD civilian jobs in jeopardy which provide essential training and support. And funding for wounded troops will suffer as well.

Whose character are you and the Dems going to assassinate next Rahm to keep power at any price?

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