Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Obama Gains

It was a good night for Barack Obama. He won North Carolina handily and lost by a squeaker in Indiana. It's apparently the Barack Obama Red State strategy. This time he won in one Red state and fought another one to a draw. Hillary may have been a little too centrist for the many liberals who vote Democrat in those states, and the Rev. Wright can do no wrong in their morally equivocating eyes.

So I wouldn't write Wright off.

Hillary, probably. Kass has a word:
He was doing fine up until the time he told the North Carolinians he went on food stamps as a child so that he and his sister could go to the best schools in the nation. It was an awkward bit, slightly scary and glassy-eyed, like a Peter Sellers moment in a Stanley Kubrick film. But Obama deserves some slack today, so let's cut him some.
(The effete Barack channeling Michelle.)

The GOP will have a new map to look at for November, redefining the Red State-Blue State divide.

Previous posts: Gary, Indiana, Why is Barack Running?, Barack's Axis of Evil

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