Last night the early headline was about her being "Attacked", this morning it is that she is looking for a new introduction. I guess they are trying to be subtle about their bias. At least they finally put the source of the "whitey" rumor, which neither I nor any mainstream conservative blogger credited, squarely at the feet of other Democrats, Clinton supporters, after smearing us all week:
Michelle Obama’s eyes flicker tentatively even as she offers a trained smile. As her campaign plane arcs over the Flathead Range in Montana, she is asked to consider her complicated public image.You have only to listen to Michelle Obama to pick up her hostility to many Americans (not to mention Hillary). (and Barack?) Now the Times and her new handlers are trying to turn her into some kind of corporate trophy wife type, "trained smile". Good luck with that. The more fierce their attempt at damage control, the more it raises eyebrows. As for other attempts at advice:
Conservative columnists accuse her of being unpatriotic and say she simmers with undigested racial anger. A blogger who supported Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton circulates unfounded claims that Mrs. Obama gave an accusatory speech in her church about the sins of “whitey.” Mrs. Obama shakes her head. “You are amazed sometimes at how deep the lies can be,” she says in an interview.
Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri, a close ally of the Obama campaign, says Mrs. Obama must stop sounding like a lawyer trying to win an argument. The trick, she said, is “not pushing so hard to persuade people that Barack is the right one.”“All she has to do is be likable,” Mrs. McCaskill said.
She has her work cut out for her on both counts.
UPDATE: Whoopi does damage control for Michelle on The View. Sweet too. I would point out Michelle said the not proud of my country quote first in Milwaukee, then put in "really" in Madison. And David Axelrod on Morning Joe says it's all a lie--Michelle is not undergoing a subtle makeover. Michelle once again talks about her great sacrifice. Obamessiah runs in the family. As for Cindy McCain, she's not in our face. She is an independent woman who has run a family business and raised her children. A strong woman who doesn't go on about herself. Nor has Sen. McCain used his family (including his sons in the military) as a prop, unlike the Obamas.UPDATE: The Tribune carries an AP story which refers to Republicans' "harsh" criticism of Michelle the shrinking violet. And the MSM coverage is only going to become more biased.
Related posts: Myth of Hope in Cook, Obama and the Dems: Abortionists, Suffer the Little Children
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