Monday, November 03, 2008

Bark for Barack

More Soviet imagery from the Obama campaign, Bark for Barack. They view voters as dogs, apparently, willing slaves to the Dear Leader's message. Stanley Kurtz, NRO on the real Obama message:
Reflecting on all that I’ve written about Barack Obama over these past six months, four inter-related points stand out: Obama’s radicalism, his stealthy incrementalism, his interest in funding and organization-building, and his willingness to use — or quietly support — Alinskyite intimidation tactics. Since we stand on the cusp of the election, I’ll lay out the bottom line. For those who want to know more, go back and read the detailed studies on which I base these conclusions.

Obama’s troubling associations are more than isolated friendships or instances of bad judgment. His ties to Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Michael Pfleger, James Meeks, ACORN, the New Party, and the Gamaliel Foundation all reflect Obama’s sympathy with radical-left ideas and causes — wealth redistribution prominent among them. At both the Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, for example, Obama and Ayers channeled money into ACORN’s coffers. ACORN, a militant group pursuing economic redistribution, succeeded in undermining credit standards throughout the banking system, thereby modeling the New Party’s plans to tame capitalism itself. So the association with Ayers is not an outlier issue, but part and parcel of a network of radical ties through which Obama’s supported “major redistributive change.” Via ACORN, that project has already nearly wrecked our economy. What will happen when it’s generalized?
His own recently revealed statements on deliberately bankrupting the coal industry underscore his absolute contempt for what makes America work and for the American way of life we know and love. Barack Obama assaults freedom--can you feel the collar around your neck?

Leftist Democrat groups are salivating at the prospect of having their liberal agenda enacted unimpeded with full control of Congress and the White House.

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