Ha. Is this a surprise to any one who has been disgusted by Chicago pols for years? Only the brazenness. And the stupidity.
Steve Chapman calls it Chicago's curse. Ha. Like we were all
victims instead of
accessories to the crimes. And the Barackstar must really be a saint to have crawled through this muck for years unsullied.
Yeah, he levitated over
the muck. Chicago
Dem pols are running around trying to distance themselves from this creep Blago, priming the
NY Times with CYA quotes, some seriously claiming he's nuts. CBS2 Chicago actually interviewed a shrink last night on the 6 o'clock news on whether the governor was insane.
John Kass says, Governor isn't cuckoo, he's just a Chicago pol:
Well, he was caught on federal tape using multiple f-words while allegedly trying to sell President-elect Barack Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder. First Lady Patti Blagojevich was also on tape, and she's a better cusser than her husband. All she needs to do is learn how to chew tobacco and scratch and she could manage the Cubs.
Again, is Blago some blithering maniac ready for a padded cell?
Of course not.
But one thing is clear: The pundits who make such diagnoses have never talked to a Chicago machine politician in their lives.
How do they think Chicago politicians talk in private when they're muscling some other guy for cash? Like Helen Mirren playing the queen?
foul-mouthed chief of staff Rahmbo is strangely silent. Some questions for President-Elect Barack Obama. NRO's
Byron York.
The Politico. Obama news conference at 10, ostensibly to introduce Tom Daschle as HHS Secretary. The Chicago Way feels the heat, and
Barack Obama owes us some answers on
where he's been all this time.
Don't you Barack.
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