Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Rezko Movin' Up

Barack and Blago's money buddy Tony Rezko is movin' up, out of the hole. Sun Times:
The convicted businessman -- poised to become a crucial witness in the massive corruption case against ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich -- was quietly moved out of a downtown jail and into another facility in mid-December.

Authorities seeking Rezko's cooperation pushed for the move after Rezko complained about being held in the tough confines of solitary imprisonment, known as "the hole," even as he was providing information to prosecutors. [snip]

Rezko's relocation is a sign that, even with thousands of taped conversations of the governor, investigators still highly value Rezko's potential as a witness.
In Detroit and Boston for starters, commentators are linking the Obama Cabinet troubles to his roots in the Chicago Way--movin' on up to D.C.--the Rezkozation of the Obama administration. And Rezko may have more to say. Yes he can.

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