Tuesday, February 03, 2009

This is to laugh...or cry

Daschle the phony. He had a car and driver even when he was in the Senate--that's why he supposedly thought nothing of having the same perk when he "retired". (He has just withdrawn by the way, but we won't forget this soon.) Watch:P.S. And you know Democrats are going to raise taxes sooner or later--sooner here in Illinois, later the rest of the country--because otherwise how can they pay for all the spending they have in mind? Of course the really rich don't pay taxes, they have the expert help to shelter it. Others just don't pay what they owe. A caller to Rush suggested all Congressmen be audited right now so they fully appreciate what the rest of us go through. She sounded mad as hell, as they say. Mark Steyn, subbing for Rush suggests the Obama transition team should be running Treasury since they seem to be discovering what has gone undiscovered for years--and getting people to pay up.

But the other appalling conclusion is how is it they didn't fully vet these guys before this? Is it because they're all like this, and until it came out and the public made a stink they thought it was no big deal? I think we know the answer to that.

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