After leaving the Clinton White House — and before running for Congress from Chicago's North Side — Emanuel made more than $16 million in 21/2 years as an investment banker.Yes, Rahmbo had a meteoric rise with a little help from his friends. Kind of a pattern. And Rahmbo still doesn't like to pay taxes...with a little help from his friends. Not to mention his earning big bucks up front for "serving" on Freddie Mac's board. Desiree Rogers, Valerie Jarrett:
Many of his investments are now in municipal bonds, a favored choice of the wealthy because their interest is tax-exempt. Emanuel has dozens of the bonds, whose issuers range from McHenry County to the Northeast Nebraska Solid Waste Coalition.
Jarrett, a senior adviser to Obama, reported a money market fund holding between $1 million and $5 million.Ah yes, housing. The "affordable" housing we are all paying for now. And paying. And paying. (Let's not forget Obama's pet group ACORN owes close to a million in back taxes.)
Since moving to the White House, Jarrett has resigned her position as chief executive of Habitat Co., one of the Midwest's largest property-management firms.
Her report shows she earned $550,000 in deferred compensation from Habitat Executive Services, plus a salary of $302,000 in 2008.
Jarrett also received substantial income from serving on boards, including that of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and a building products manufacturer. And she gets retirement money from the CTA, which she headed as Mayor Daley's close personal political friend. (She recruited Michelle Obama to work for the Mayor's office early on) How's the CTA doing, hmm? Obviously we need such brilliant judgment at the top. Yes, after paying them generous fees for mismanaging public housing, and generous retirement income we get to bail out their bad decisions with more taxpayer money. (Nice whitewash report apparently to push for the pricey Olympics)
Then there's good old David Axelrod, former Tribune reporter turned Chicago Machine PR smoothie, the wordsmith for The One, cashing in on his own machine.
They pose as Robin Hoods but they are robbing us. We are paying for these people, folks. Over and over and over again.
There's no honest work for an honest dollar--the kind of hard work and individual effort that built America--asking for no handouts from anyone, but generously helping neighbors in need of their own volition. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is under assault by these corrupt leeches, bashing us with big government, living high on the hog at our expense.
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