Monday, March 02, 2009

Slimy Alexi Running for Senate

Before Giannoulias entered politics he was banker to Barack Obama, Tony Rezko and a guy named "Jaws" Giorengo. Then presto, Obama endorsed him and he became our treasurer. Now slimy Alexi Giannoulias, freshly back from Greece on a taxpayer-funded trip with Sen. Durbin (where he didn't even meet with his own grandmother, it was business, uh politics you see)  is officially running for US Senate. The Obama/Burris seat.

Then there's Alexi the Granny Grifter. More here and here.

UPDATE: The Hill. The Politico. Sweet--Mayor Daley's bro Bill floating his name too for strategery. Meanwhile, the Trib continues to push for a special election, and Burris still has his fans--ex Black Panther turned Congressman Bobby Rush brings up Teddie Kennedy's Chappaquidick in defense of our Senator Roland Burris.

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