(Video below). Nuts dropping everywhere this fall.
Matthew Vadum, TAS on the frequent visitors to the
Obama White House.
Thugs rule.
Comandante Obama's
crony, Andy Stern, SEIU tops the list with 22. Who is Andy Stern? "Workers of the world unite is not just a slogan anymore". "We're trying to use the power of persuasion, but if that doesn't work, we'll use the persuasion of power". "We know where they live". WBEZ Chicago footage.
SEIU Honcho Kirk Adams is marroedto Planned Parenthood Harpy Ceceile Richards who is bossing President Barry around something awful!
So depressing.
Thanks Pat.
Learn more about the communist organizations ACORN and SEIU here: http://www.commieblaster.com/acorn/index.html
Facts organized all in one location. Obama, New Party, Ayers, Dunn, Jennings, Jones, Sunstein, Jarrett, Lloyd, Wright, School Indoctrinations, Soros, Cop-Killers, Cuban Spy Rings, Commie Media, Misinformation, Congress Investigation, plus details on Socialist/Communist Members of Congress like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and over 80 others. Listen to Soviet Spy defector explain how communist takeovers are performed and Reagan's guidance on dealing with Communists. Learn what a Socialist, Communist, Progressive is. Examine ACORN, SEIU's and Union Communist leaders. See FBI files and testimonies. Catch up on Takeover News and study a Communist Takeover Plan from the 1960's, along with how to resist. Videos, links, pdfs.
Commies can run, but they can't hide! - http://www.commieblaster.com
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