Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Brady in the Lead!!! UPDATE: Dillard**BRADY?

The only conservative of the leaders. The only downstater!!!

The establishment McKenna drops to third. Fox Chicago 83% in.

I think this is advantage Brady. Downstate I think is last to come in. But we shall see.

More. Caution from Rich Miller, Capitol Fax:(Dillard from DuPage, as is Adam, Ryan?)

Half of DuPage is still not counted, so keep that in mind. Murphy and the DuPage guv candidates could make a run there. And 160 Cook County precincts have yet to be counted.

More. Looks like DuPage came in pushing Dillard up again.

More. WGN has Bill Brady on the phone so downstate counties yet to come in? Tribune giving his bio. I can see the numbers narrowing again. PRAY!!!!!

More. Sun Times only about 600 votes between. 95%

Chicago media's Jim Warren admits Chicago MSM had dropped the ball on covering Bill Brady. My recent posts:

A Note from Nancy Brady

My name is Nancy Brady and I am writing to tell you about my husband of 27 years, Bill Brady, who is running to be our next Governor. This will not be your typical political letter, because I am not asking for money or talking about his position on the issues. That information can be found on his website.

What I would like to tell you is the rest of the story, and answer the questions I get asked most often on the campaign trail; who is Bill Brady, what is his character and what makes him tick?

Previous posts: Bill Brady for Illinois, Brady Debate Take, A Brady Surge?, Brady for Governor: A Clean Break
More. Jim Ryan concedes.

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