Rally(ies) tomorrow too!***Evanston, IL. We were there, gathering at the last minute this morning. Pix below. Are you listening Jan Schakowsky?
Will update with Founding Bloggers video later today, including constituents registering their
outrage at the bill and her trashing our democracy.
John Ruberry, Marathon Pundit, on the left, below:
Andrew Marcus, Founding Bloggers, Big Government and colleague filming a passerby [
Post and video up now. Also on
Big Government. My reaction
here, complete with another memorable video]:

UPDATE: Marathon Pundit link
here. I would just add that while some protesting were seniors concerned about cutting Medicare Advantage and taking money out of Medicare, which is already failing, they were also concerned about their children and grandchildren. Some were unemployed, and when they did get a paycheck the taxes were already prohibitive--what will it be like when this bill goes into effect? Fewer jobs, higher taxes and crushing debt to be paid to the government the rest of their lives, and dubious health care. What a legacy.
Another said her daughter was working at a medical facility that hadn't been paid by the state of Illinois for months and months, and people were in danger of being laid off. What good are government promises if there's no money for care?
A woman whose family were Holocaust survivors was worried about the future of this country--people working hard for the American Dream only to see the government spend it out from under them.
Related posts:
The Bolshie Chicago Mob in the White House,
Chicago: Truthers, Commies, Intifada*& the Public Option (video)
Thnaks for the report. Great work.
Thanks. Every little bit counts--hey!
Hey Jill. Yeah. Righties are the counterculture here.
Hope to God it's not the fate of the country.
We made some good signs:)
People were peering at them as they went by. Not the usual protest fare in Evanston:)
Good for you! Every Dem should know with certainty they face opposition on this bill. If 10 million get cut from Medicare Advantage Schakowsky might have a taste of the Rostenkowski treatment. Wouldn't that make a youtube sensation?
Wouldn't we all love to see that. Swarming around that horrible woman.
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