Illinois is bankrupt, but Springfield is flush with cash. Cushy state commission jobs, no problem:
The state's budget meltdown did not prevent the wives of two Democratic lawmakers from landing six-figure state paychecks thanks to Gov. Quinn and the Illinois Senate.The spouse of Rep. Michael Zalewski (D-Chicago) nearly doubled her state salary when Quinn named her to a $117,043-a-year spot on the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
The governor also appointed the wife of state Sen. Jeff Schoenberg (D-Evanston) to another term as chairwoman of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board, a position that will pay her $104,358 annually.
Can we chop these boards from the budget? Can we afford this rank political patronage?
These positions get pensions as well, the very pensions that are underfunded and pay grossly inflated salaries and benefits compared to the private sector.
This is why Illinois is bankrupt. Fewer people pay taxes as real jobs are driven out, more people work for the state--at taxpayer expense.
...Jack Higgins cartoon. Dems on verge of recess with no budget.
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