Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Quite frightening, when you think of it

The Turkish Government as Global Arbiter of Ethnic Violence Victor Davis Hanson

...Let's understand what Hamas is doing. Let's recall what they did to those who didn't agree with them when the Israelis voluntarily left Gaza. And why it wants more arms to arrive more freely--by boat.

15 Seconds to Safety.

More. Well. Here's the Tribune:

Mohammadi, however, was passionate about the cause.

"Going to Gaza the first time, she saw the mothers with children that had been killed and the conditions they lived in. It was just on her heart. She wanted to help the people," her mother, Teresa Mohammadi, said.

"She was on the big ship that was attacked," she told CNN. "She was on gmail chat with her fiancé at the time, and she said, 'The helicopters are here.' And that's the last word that we had. And we heard a little bit later from a Twitter from another woman on ship that the women were underneath; that they were gathered underneath, in the bottom of the ship.

If she was on that ship it she must have heard the murderous chants to kill the Jews. Ask her that when she gets back, Chicago Tribune, Medill investigative reporters. And if she was on that ship then she should know it was sponsored by a terrorist organization. Ask her what she knows about that.

And does she condone firing rockets on the children of Sderot?

Does she recognize Israel's right to exist?

Or does she agree with this other "activist" given succor on our shores?

Does she agree with Hirsi Ali that Islam needs to be reformed, or does she side with those who beat women, lightly or murderously.

The intifada against Israel presaged 9/11. The holocaust moves closer. There. And here. Think about that.

...And why did her family leave Iran?

HT Pat Hickey:

pathickey said...

The Chicago Tribune is giving this cockroach Clark the full Medill - Clark is a protected species - Gay Activist/ISM Free Gaza Agent/CPUSA member/Anti-Catholic bigot

Cynthia Dizikes must be right out of Medill -BTW they deleted my comment on this fact.


6/01/2010 11:54:00 AM

Charles Krauthammer: The problem with Israel isn’t occupation or settlements. It’s existence (video)

Quite frightening.

More. Israel concerned next flotilla will be accompanied by Turkish Navy.
Yes, they were peaceful activists:
During its searches of the Mavi Marmara on Tuesday, the military also discovered a cache of bulletproof vests, night-vision goggles as well as gas masks.
Gas masks?

philipaklein Attention Palestinians: If you're concerned about the blockade, don't elect a terrorist group. http://bit.ly/aBOVKe
Previous posts: America in Peril. Lawmakers, Silent, Asymmetric "Journalism", Asymmetric Terror--An Attack on Freedom, The Terror Finance Flotilla, This was a deliberate provocation

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