Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Little Mystery

Valentine's Day, all day. CNN reports millions of Americans have sent themselves flowers. FoxNews asks, "Is Valentine's Day Ruining Your Relationship?" John Kass in the Trib gives us a vote on the best date movie, and the Sun Times gets Mike Ditka to talk about true love. But this is probably my favorite. WSJ:
Today, when lovers open one of 65,000 heart-shaped boxes of Whitman's chocolates purchased at Walgreens drugstores, they will hear 30 seconds of Mr. Martin singing "Something in Your Eyes," a song he wrote and performs. [snip]

Last week, Mr. Martin performed for winners of a promotion held by the Boston radio station for a "once in a lifetime chance to meet David Martin." Gloria Herbert, a 53-year-old home-care coordinator in Boston, took her lunch break, plus an hour of vacation time, to join the fans crowding into the studio to see Mr. Martin perform. "He gets you right there," she says, holding her chest. After Mr. Martin autographed her candy box, Ms. Herbert sighed. "This is something I'll cherish," she says. "And I'll eat the chocolates."
I may have to go get one for myself:) Or I could crank up Alessandro Safina. The daughter who understands Italian tells me it's better not to know what all the words mean. As usual in these matters, a little mystery is best.Happy Valentine's Day!

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