Thursday, May 05, 2011

Michelle O Pushes Soft Porn. Let's Move

Look, the FLOTUS wasn't elected so I try to go easy on her but she is not beyond criticism--she's a role model for America's children, right? I noticed this Get Me Bodied remake earlier.

Well, I'm not a fan so I don't track this music but some do. More reaction on Michelle's Beyoncé embrace for the Let's Move campaign:
Michelle told the middle schoolers, "I know all of you love Beyoncé, right? Me too! Beyoncé is one of my favorite performers on the planet."

Here's a message for Michelle from concerned, fed up parents everywhere: stop. It's bad enough that the billion dollar program focusing on the body emanates from a progressive agenda which has almost annihilated traditional institutions like the nuclear family, religion and self-respect in the last 100 years.

But now in true leftist style, the First Lady of the United States goes a step further. She markets Beyonce, a singer whose sexualized videos, song lyrics and inappropriate dress have prompted criticism from her own fans. How reckless of Michelle to push the soft porn ‘artistry' of Beyonce onto a demographic already wandering around in a moral wilderness.
What have we been seeing in the culture lately? Encouraging children to think of themselves as sexual objects is wrong and destructive.

Find another artist Michelle. But that's probably too much to hope for.

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