Wednesday, January 09, 2008

SEIU-er Rats for Obama

Obama gets the SEIU-er rat endorsement in Nevada:

On the night that he came in second in the New Hampshire primary, Barack Obama came in first with the Nevada chapter of the large Service Employees International Union. He won that important union's official endorsement a few minutes ago.

The influential union's 17,500 health care and county worker members will come in very handy for Nevada's Jan. 19 caucuses. The union's choice will come as a serious disappointment for both Hillary Clinton and John Edwards, who both coveted it too. And the timing late tonight is likely no accident.

Must have been that paean to dishwashers tossed in at the end of Barack's speech that did the trick. Part of my running take on the Dems from last night:

UPDATE: Barack up. Waving the CHANGE signs. Barack says change is what is happening in America. Crowd obediently chants We Want Change. Barack wants to lead this nation out of "the long political darkness". (Who knew?--it's politics that is the enemy)

UPDATE: Talks about a "new majority", the "planet" and ending the war

UPDATE: "We will never use 9/11 to scare up votes" (How scary is that) Crowd is a bit confused

UPDATE: CHANGE. "In the unlikely story that is America, there is nothing false about hope" Good line. Goes into yes we can.

UPDATE: going into the rhythmic finish--founders, slaves, women, ---blah, blah, to heights!!!!
He wants to heal the nation and repair the world--dishwashers in Vegas? Brit signs off, Sean takes it (Oh yeah, dishwashers, Obama going after the loser Edwards union vote)
Repair that world. Retool that campaign. Obama already has the SEIU endorsement in Illinois and 4 other states. California is still hanging fire for Edwards.

UPDATE: Kass, "Obama fairy tale has Chicago-size hole":
Chicago is not really an enchanted land, unless you've got clout at City Hall, and then you can be white guys with mob connections and drink with Mayor Richard Daley at Como Inn at Christmas parties, and receive $100 million in city affirmative action contracts. And no Democrat -- not even our national change-agent Barack Obama -- would dare demand answers.
And Kass reminds us of Rezko.

UPDATE: Obama secretive about fundraisers according to Sweet:
With two presidential votes behind him, Democratic frontrunner Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)) starts a new round of fund-raisers in New York, Boston and Chicago as the candidate who is making transparency a centerpiece of his White House bid continues to with-hold details of his higher-end fund-raising operation.
Chicago hosts include state Treasurer "granny grifter" and questionable Alexi Giannoulias. More excellent posts by local blogger Flying Debris on Obama here.

Previous post: Clouded Aura for Obama, Obama Haunted by Sleaze, FOB: Friends of Barack

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