Barack Obama sneers at Joe the plumber, his allies in the MSM attack Joe, a guy who was just playing touch football in his front yard with his son when the Barackstar's entourage swept through. So Joe asked Barack a question. How dare anyone have the audacity to question The One? (How dare the MSM not subject Barack to the same scrutiny--he is the candidate after all) No,no,no--it's trash talker Barack, going after ordinary Americans:
Journalists who wouldn't investigate Obama's longtime relationships with Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright sprang into action rifling through citizen Joe Wurzelbacher's tax records.But the question still remains--Barack Obama hasn't answered the question. Philip Klein, The American Spectator:
So when Plouffe reiterated the 95 percent claim, I asked him a simple question aimed at clarifying whether Obama's tax plan was about cutting rates, or merely handing out government checks. "What rates would actually go down"? I asked.Oh, uh yeah they got back to him, but after looking at their explanation, Klein persists:
"Middle class people are going to see, systemically, their taxes reduced, and small businesses," Plouffe responded.
"But what rate would go down for lower-income Americans?" I persisted, seeking more information.
"We'll have to get you the exact details on that," Obama's campaign manager told me.
But Obama is getting away with defining tax cuts so broadly, that future candidates will simply claim any form of increased government spending as a tax cut. Under Obama's logic, higher food stamp allowances and expanded state funding of the arts could be dubbed "food tax credit" and "arts tax credit" respectively, and also qualify.Obama's not truthful on taxes, and he's a thug. Barackstar beats up Joe America and the American Dream.
UPDATE: Well, well, well. Per Rasmussen, McCain and Obama are now tied in Joe the plumber's Ohio. They also have concern over Obama's ACORN (200,000 possibly fraudulent voter registration applications are pending):
UPDATE: In Florida, John McCain defends Joe the plumber. Via Drudge. In part:But only 53% of Ohio voters are now Very Confident that the votes will be properly counted and the right candidate declared the victor. Another 34% are Somewhat Confident in the outcome.
Forty-five (45%) say people who shouldn’t be allowed to vote are likely to vote on Election Day. Just 28% say it’s more likely that some who are eligible will be denied the chance to vote.
Late Wednesday, Ohio's attorney general filed an emergency appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court in hopes of blocking a lower court ruling that could prevent thousands of Ohio voters from voting on Election Day.
Numerous lawsuits over voter eligibility are already at play in Ohio, where over 600,000 new voters have registered this year. Republicans question the legitimacy of voters registered by the liberal activist group ACORN, now under investigation in Ohio, Nevada and other states. Democrats say Republicans are just trying to eliminate and discourage voters in states where the party's candidates are at risk.
Eighty percent (80%) of Ohio voters believe people who want to vote should be required to show a driver’s license prior to casting a ballot.
It's great to be here in Miami. Florida is a must-win state on November 4th, and with your help, we're going to win Florida, and bring change to Washington, DC. We had a good debate this week. You may have noticed-- there was a lot of talk about Senator Obama's tax increases and Joe the Plumber. Last weekend, Senator Obama showed up in Joe's driveway to ask for his vote, and Joe asked Senator Obama a tough question. I'm glad he did; I think Senator Obama could use a few more tough questions.P.S. Chris Muir.
The response from Senator Obama and his campaign yesterday was to attack Joe. People are digging through his personal life and he has TV crews camped out in front of his house. He didn't ask for Senator Obama to come to his house. He wasn't recruited or prompted by our campaign. He just asked a question. And Americans ought to be able to ask Senator Obama tough questions without being smeared and targeted with political attacks.
The question Joe asked about our economy is important, because Senator Obama's plan would raise taxes on small businesses that employ 16 million Americans. Senator Obama's plan will kill those jobs at just the time when we need to be creating more jobs. My plan will create jobs, and that's what America needs.
Senator Obama says that he wanted to spread your wealth around. When politicians talk about taking your money and spreading it around, you'd better hold onto your wallet. Senator Obama claims that wants to give a tax break to the middle class, but not only did he vote for higher taxes on the middle class in the Senate, his plan gives away your tax dollars to those who don't pay taxes.
That's not a tax cut, that's welfare. America didn't become the greatest nation on earth by redistributing wealth; we became the greatest nation by creating new wealth.
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