We're all supposed to just no never mind. No matter that it's our country on the line. John Kass:
Turn on the TV news when John McCain is picking up undecided voters by invoking Barack Obama's relationship with unrepentant American terrorist William Ayers and, invariably, some liberal talking head will sniff in disgust and say Ayers is no big deal where Obama comes from.Chicago, where Obama and Chicago machine mayor's PR spinner is a former radical thug herself. An apologist for nail-bomber Ayers:
Unfortunately, that's true. Ayers is a terrorist. But this is Chicago.
One friend of Obama and Ayers is former '60s radical Marilyn Katz, now an Obama fundraiser, strategist and public relations maven. She's often a go-to quote for reporters to knock down the Ayers-Obama story.Yessiree. Now the radical children of privilege are running the show in Chicago and the rest of us are supposed to just shut up. This week the MSM is branding us an angry mob, Maureen Dowd is really dazzling us with her frothy erudition in Latin and Kathleen Parker is displaying her MSM noblesse oblige sneering at Sarah Palin's "cri de coeur", while implying that we hoi polloi are dogs--let's just say plus que ca change, plus que ca reste la meme.
"What Bill Ayers and [former Black Panther, now U.S. Rep.] Bobby Rush . . . did 40 years ago has nothing to do with [the presidential campaign]," Katz was quoted as saying in the Chicago Sun-Times in April. "[Ayers] has a national reputation. He lectures at Harvard [University] and Vassar [College]."
What that story and many other pro-Obama articles gloss over is that during the violent protests of the 1968 Democratic National Convention here, Katz was the security chief for the radical Students for a Democratic Society. She once advocated throwing studded nails in front of police cars, back in the SDS days when the group was alleged to have thrown cellophane bags full of human excrement at cops and cans of urine and golf balls impaled with nails.
How things change.
While the Tribune's The Swamp pushes the manufactured meme of the GOP angry mob (gee, where has it been all these years), how is it they and Parker run a watered down version of her nastiness? Here's another version of the column by the elitist Kathleen Parker, the pet conservative of the MSM, which this time includes these choice bon mots:
Ah, yes, Americans who love their country are stupid, slavish dogs, but we can't question the media elite's lemming-like conventional wisdom. (Does the word b**** come to mind?)No one who watched the vice presidential debate should be surprised. Palin's performance, notwithstanding her adorable dodges of questions she didn't like, was essentially a cri de coeur to America's nonelite.
Democrats and other critics distracted by her winks might have missed the message, but Palin's target audience heard it. She is like the high-pitched whistle only dogs can hear. While Democrats heard nonanswers, superfluous segues and cartoon words -- I'll betcha, doggone, extra credit -- Republicans heard God, patriotism, courage, victory.
Barack Obama and his slimy and snotty media acolytes want to bring back the good old days of Jimmy Carter's high tax, dead economy misery, the good old days when the American people tuned in to the received wisdom of their betters on TV and in the press, the good old days before we discovered how systematically the liberal media tailored the news to their template. Before we discovered how systematically media filters and chops up interviews to suit their agenda. It is not news to most Americans that the media has a liberal bias, (and specifically in the case of Gov. Palin.)
Yes, they want us to ask how high when they say jump, follow their MSM pied piper candidate off a cliff of stupidity. Don't we know we are supposed to avert our eyes from Bill Ayers, Barack Obama's terrorist buddy, who hated his own country so much he bombed it?
Barack Obama Still Won't Answer Basic Questions. Nor should anyone even ask them in ObamaNation--it's Barack Obama, radical thug. It's the Big Brother censors of the MSM.
We're looking straight back at you, MSM, and we're armed with some straight talk these days.
UPDATE: Ed Morrissey picks up the Kass column at HotAir.
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