Thursday, October 08, 2009

Fools out there

Thank God I have smart conservative women on my side. Radio host Teri O'Brien with commentary and the audio:

Chris Matthews Cites Bill Ayers’ “Loose” Ties to Barack Obama, Disses a Smart Woman (again) and Otherwise Once Again Lives Down to Our Expectations

Interestingly he doesn't even mention my name, or the website. Why? Because then his listeners might notice that I'm not a "guy" but a woman. And they actually might be able to judge the incident for themselves from my description. As for my not getting sarcasm, well, it appears Matthews hasn't even read my post. Or maybe he did.

Previous posts: Stalk Talk by Sexist Gray Lady, Who's loose with the truth?, Dreams from my bomber, My B-Cast on Ayers, Political Hotsheet on Ayers, Will Obama Deny Bill Ayers' Accusation?


pathickey said...

Nitwit Loudmoth Milkey Matthews called Bill Ayers "a good guy." in the same 'thought piece.'

God I'd love to bring that flannelmouth up to Keegan's Pub.

He'd get the Hinder-Binder of the nEW Millenium!

Anne said...

Kind of sad. He used to be sort of cogent, but now...

katrina said...

Last night he called you a man.

Anne said...

A guy, yeah.

Is Chris Matthews afraid of strong women?


pathickey said...

Milky is afraid of soft rain.

How this fautous and really dumb loudmouth ever got a job is beyond me.

The guys that I worked with at Gateway Trucking on the loading docks were far less assertive in their prejudices - even after pumping down a twelve of Schlitz.

teriobrien said...

Thanks so much for the link, Anne. I'm a huge fan of this blog, and its author. Yes, I think Chris does have some issue with smart, strong women, as I mentioned in the post you cited.
I talked about this issue a bit on my show today, and played the audio, and I'll be linking to your post about it in the show notes at
Keep uo the great work!