Community-organized crime.
You got Princess the Goldfish, now get the Big Fish. Can you spell SEIU? How about those Teamsters? Anita Moncrief, ACORN whistleblower: ACORN Corruption Runs Deep.
P.S. As for their perennial claims that they are helping people, what a joke! Repeatedly taking advantage of their own employees to do this questionable voter registration work, how many people are they actually helping---look at the actual numbers.
What are they really doing? No wonder they're so interested in aiding illegal immigrant child sex-slave operations--I guess they're bored. And our leaders turn a blind eye.
More. And then there are these connections, reaching into the White House. Mac Fuller, The American Thinker. Patrick Gaspard for one, Obama's Karl Rove, who worked for ACORN/SEIU, among other tied-in organizations:
Gaspard worked directly for now-ACORN chief Bertha Lewis as her political director for the main ACORN office which is located in New York. ACORN is mired in long-standing as well as new and growing allegations of fraud, voter-registration fraud, corruption, and massive embezzlement of funds - ACORN operative organizations have received tens of millions of dollars in federal grants.ACORN pledged $35,000,000 for voter registration drives in the 2008 election cycle.In 2004, Patrick Gaspard served as National Field Director for America Coming Together (ACT), a group which was later fined $775,000 in civil penalties by the federal government. ACT hired felons - some convicted of sex offenses, assault and burglary - to conduct door-to-door voter registration drives in Missouri and at least two other swing states, and also employed felons as voter canvassers in major metropolitan areas in Missouri, Florida, Ohio. [2]
Previous posts: How ACORN Hides Behind Fake Names, Another Fed Funds Ban for ACORN, Cracking Down on ACORN,
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