Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ayers: Obama is a Moderate

Video. Unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers getting very talkative lately. Interview with Russia Today. Interesting choice.

Well, maybe he's a moderate to you, Bill. But you think the word moderate is an epithet, don't you.

Something we can almost agree on, speaking as a rightie.

Hmm, Bill wants us to talk to more strangers. Be my guest, Bill. Talk to me.

He wishes Barack would ask him for advice...on the war. He wants Barack to give him a call (along with millions of other just guys in the neighborhood of course.) Ayers doesn't want to be a subject of a king. Yes we can--Ayers has ideas of his own. Would he want terrorist techniques to be used against this war? No, but..."I did what I did"...

As for our President Barack Obama being a moderate in the mainstream? The American people are starting to discover it was all a smiley-faced facade. Something some of us righties knew early on.

Because he hung out with you. Early on.

Barack Obama claims he hardly knew him. Bill Ayers was his political godfather.

Previous post: V-Ayer-y Interesting

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