instapundit ERIC HOLDER HEADING UNDER THE BUS? “Even more ominous for Holder: Rahm Emanuel is making it clear t…: ERIC HOLDER... http://bit.ly/9ydn5YThe Big Bus.
The Movie.
None of this seems to be working to shore up support for the criminal-justice model, which the Obami have insisted on employing, in part because the legal arguments are weak (e.g., disregarding the military-commission system, now in place to handle these cases) and in part because neither the public nor members of Obama’s own party think it makes sense to try KSM in a civilian court, Mirandize a terrorist, or ship Guantanamo detainees to the U.S.P.S. 10th congressional Rep. Mark Kirk and state Sen. Bill Brady stepped up on Thomson when it was not an easy thing to do. That caught the attention of this conservative. And that surely contributed to their primary wins on Tuesday, rising as Republican candidates for U.S. Senate and Illinois governor.
Related posts: Foul-Smelling, Foul-Talking Illinois Dems, The Holder 300, The Miranda Approach to Terror, Dems start to crack on Thomson, Strike that Spending, Stop that Terror
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