Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Fringe Kerfuffle

No, Patrick Hughes supporters are not "fringe". (Andy Martin is fringe.) Nor are Tea Partiers, as evidenced by Massachusetts.

Count me among those not thrilled with Kirk's cap and tax vote, which he has since repudiated, now that he's running for Senate. But at least he votes.

I would say though that Kirk was a strong leader pushing back on the Thomson Gitmo North attempted cramdown by Illinois Dems and the Obama administration, taking some political heat for it from the PC crowd here. Post Christmas bomber, post-Massachusetts, it appears most Americans agree with his position. I can't imagine anyone wanting O'Hare to become a gateway airport for terror.

Vote your choice in the primary. And then let's come together and go after the Dems who are running everything and managing nothing, choking the life out of Illinois.

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