Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dems, Libs Squealing Like the (Stuck) Pigs they Are

Ezra Klein grasps at straws after the Senate parliamentarian rules that if the House passes the Senate bill, it must go to the Prez for signature, before any reconciliation bill.

...Also Bloomberg story, with background, featuring Dick Durbin, who, while often duplicitous, is struggling with the heavy crock of porcine swill effluence that is ObamaCare:

House Democrats are seeking assurance that the reconciliation changes will become law. Lawmakers in the chamber originally sought to have the Senate act first on reconciliation; then they wanted Obama to delay signing the 10- year, $875 billion Senate bill until the changes were passed.

Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, declined to comment. Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Senate Democrat, said on March 9 that he understands why some House Democrats might not want to trust that the Senate will act on the reconciliation changes.

‘Right to Be Skeptical’

“The House has a right to be skeptical,” Durbin told reporters. “They have almost 300 bills they’ve passed” that are “somewhere lost in the Senate.”

Oinking under the strain.

P.S. Is Durbin joining Rahmbo (and Bill Daley, the mayor's brother) in sending our President Barack Obama a message? Give. It. Up.

Destroying the party they built up with duplicity.

More. Clinton & Carter pollsters say ObamaCare is a disastrous failure

Oh come on. Surely it's just a miserable failure.

...Who will tell the Emperor he has no clothes? (Not Rahm)

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