Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Taxin' Alexi--Not the SMART choice for Illinois

From Kirk for Congress:
Alexi Giannoulias in his own words:

“I have said from day one, as your state Treasurer, that, while politically it’s not the smartest thing to say, we need an income tax increase.”

March 20, 2010

Giannoulias Defends His Call to Raise Income Taxes

FACT: On Saturday, Alexi Giannoulias announced his support for a state income tax hike: “I have said from day one, as your state Treasurer, that, while politically it’s not the smartest thing to say, we need an income tax increase.”

FACT: Earlier today, Alexi Giannoulias sent out a campaign press release confirming his support for a state income tax increase.

FACT: The Giannoulias press release did not mention whether families that lost money in under the management of the advisors he personally chose for the Bright Start college savings program would be exempted under his income tax increase.

FACT: The Giannoulias press release did not dispute that raising Illinois income taxes would make our state less competitive, drive more jobs away and slow our economic recovery.

FACT: The Giannoulias press release made no mention of the Chicago Tribune’s thoughtful editorial explaining why a state income tax increase is the wrong approach.

FACT: The Giannoulias press release criticized Congressman Mark Kirk for voting against three bills:

1. The Stimulus spending bill that passed when unemployment stood far below the current rate of 12%;

2. The second Stimulus spending bill that passed before the first one was spent; and

3. The trillion-dollar health care that approved 12 new federal taxes on top of his proposed state income tax hike.

Bottom Line: Illinois families cannot afford Alexi Giannoulias. Mark Kirk stands for honest government, lower taxes and less government spending. The choice for Senate is clear.
Previous posts: Alexi Changes Story on IRAN Ties, Hot French/Iranian Money Ties to Giannoulias, A Tough Stretch for Giannoulias, Sweating, Spinning Democrats, Get the picture, Kirk on Alexi Contributor/Bank Client Fraud Charges, Fat Cat Alexi Goes to the White House, The Latest Insult from Alexi, RealTruthAboutAlexi.com, Fast and Loose Alexi Giannoulias

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