I have to say I think they have a point:
We thought he would clean up Illinois, since we couldn't seem to do it at the polls.A more triumphant outcome might have been expected judging by Mr. Fitzgerald's bravura press conference two years ago, which he held following a pre-dawn arrest at the Blagojevich home. Then, the U.S. Attorney spoke of "what we can only describe as a political corruption crime spree" and accused Blagojevich of "the most appalling conduct" that would have "Lincoln roll over in his grave." It was "a truly new low," Mr. Fitzgerald told the world.
A truly new low would truly be something in Chicago politics, where money and power seem to be especially fungible. But even Chicago politicians deserve the full and fair protection of the law, while the Fitzgerald method is to abuse the legal process to poison media and public opinion against high-profile, unsympathetic political targets.
We thought we could trust him since he had no aspirations for political office.
But this trial has undermined respect for the judicial system--and leaves us looking at other pols who have been as bad or worse but remain unscathed.
Fitzgerald may or may not resign. He should.
But it is up to us, Illinois, to throw the bums out in November. And not elect any more.
We've got to come clean or die.
We've got to do Honest Abe proud.
HT Steve Bartin.
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