Thursday, January 05, 2012

Chicago Sub Teacher Shows Porn, Bribes Kid with Snickers

More double-dipping by retirees and worse. Sun Times behind a pay wall. From my print edition:
Retired Chicago Public Schools teachers working as substitutes racked up $1.13 million in improper benefits between 2007 and 2011, while in a separate case, a teacher showed students how to bypass filters so that they could view pornography on school computers.
This is the caliber of a public school teacher in Chicago. Don't tell me this isn't representative of the union system Dems blindly defend. Two abusive findings among dozens, with children coming in last again. Another incident:
A teacher allegedly "touched the genital area of a male student by running his fingers down the zipper of the student's pants." To "buy the student's silence", the teacher gave him a bag of Snickers.
They let the teacher resign rather than prosecute. Of course. Probably the guy works at TSA now, but maybe not, as he clearly prefers to prey on just kids.

There's more. Public funds used for champagne, condoms and a king size mattress. Does anyone think this will change materially? I heard about the vodka in the coffee pot thing in the 80's, it's probably progressed since then. And does anyone think this is limited to Chicago? Well maybe with the scale of looting and depravity.

This is our president Barack Obama's mobocracy home town. No wonder both he and Rahmbo send their kids to private schools.

Meanwhile, up near the Wisconsin border, fleebagger central, spoiled rotten teachers are going on strike. One reaction:
SaukLeader at 8:52 AM January 5, 2012 The Union wants to refuse eliminating one of the health insurance plans, The Blue Cross PPO Plus and just offering the Blue Cross PPO. In my opinion the ladder is an excellent plan, try an HMO and see what you think. Also, Obamacare is going to tax the PPO+ (Cadillac Plan) out of existance in 2018 anyway. Another Reason for the strike is to curbing pension costs via the payroll step modifications, of which teachers contribute nothing to. Probably the reason why the pension fund is insolvent in the first place. I just want to know why the high school math teacher hasn't spoken up to the Union Leaders and say that this just doesn't add up!
Could it be cuz they're teaching porn not math, or showing rape movies to nine year olds. The horror stories mount, as do the myriad of costs.

More. Free lunch fraud for teachers' own kids. Here's another horror story: Boy with broken leg forced to crawl to class, suit says

And parents protest strike in Zion.

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