Thursday, October 11, 2012

Obama Slips Among Suburban Women Even in IL

Indies even on economy in this Trib/WGN statewide poll (taken just after the debate) as Dem gerrymandered congressional districts may not bring in the bacon for them as they hopey-changed.

Reflecting the nationwide trend, though more muted in this blue Chicago way dominated state:
Romney has made gains among white voters this year. In February, whites favored Obama over Romney 48-41. The latest survey shows that group almost evenly split — 46 percent for the former Massachusetts governor and 45 percent for the president.

Part of that trend can be attributed to Obama's slipping support among white suburban women. The voting group, which is considered politically moderate, favored Obama 63 percent to 30 percent eight months ago. Now Obama's backing has fallen to 50 percent, with 43 percent backing Romney.
This may explain why Dem Duckworth the other night in the suburban IL-8 debate tried so hard to present herself as a moderate, but her leftie hackery came out nonetheless.

Another tight race may be loosening up for moderate R Bob Dold in the north suburban 10th after his deft handling of his opponent. The district is also one of the most heavily Jewish in the country. Obama's constant snubbing of Israel in the face of their existential Iran threat has undoubtedly had an effect. While not in the 10th, former Obama backer now Romney supporter Susan Crown's reaction is characteristic on that issue, but she also indicates the economy appears to be paramount. Downstate is decisively R this year.

Maybe collar county moms have gotten the message after 2010.

Dold's mom has also stepped up with an ad:)

Opinions of Paul Ryan, the Republican VP candidate from a traditionally swing district next door on the Wisconsin-Illinois border, were evenly split.

This presents an opportunity tonight in the Veep debate. It's a couple of Irish Catholics, still a big group in Chicago, IL and a number of swing states, more important this year with the HHS threat to Catholic institutions. What are Chicago's values. Will the doddering Irish uncle win the day? Or will the smart and seasoned Ryan convince hearts and minds to back the morning in America ticket:)


Walsh: 47%
Duckworth: 46%

CHICAGO – Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady tonight released the following statement regarding a poll conducted by We Ask America on October 9th showing Congressman Joe Walsh leading Tammy Duckworth 47-46:

“These latest numbers clearly show the growing momentum for Congressman Walsh.  Despite the onslaught of money from liberal Super PACs in this race, Congressman Walsh has moved ahead in the polls coming into the final stretch of this campaign.  Voters are recognizing his commitment to being in the district to hear their concerns and his pro-growth message of getting Americans back to work, keeping taxes low and tackling our nation’s debt crisis.

“What's more troubling for the Duckworth camp is that this survey was done before voters witnessed her disastrous debate performance last night, where she lied to all the voters of the 8th District about being sued by whistleblowers at the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs.  Going forward, Tammy will have questions to answer about these allegations, and it looks like it will only hurt her in the eyes of voters.”

Related post:  Illinois Pays Unemployment to Prison Inmates

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