Friday, February 08, 2008

That was Then...Hillary is Now

In the summer of '74, as a college student, I was an intern for Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-WI/Earth Day)...nothing happened...he didn't run for president. Yes, I was a Democrat then, a few years before I became a foot-soldier in the Reagan revolution, as the phrase goes.

But over in the bowels of another building on the Hill that same summer, new Yale Law grad Hillary Rodham was laboring on the Watergate committee to impeach President Richard Nixon. Suitably Flip on Hillary's "Summer of Shenanigans":
Moved by Hillary's latest weepy whistle stop, Jerry Zeifman reflects on the seemingly endless malfeasance he witnessed in his capacity as supervisor of the House Judiciary Committee's Nixon impeachment inquiry in 1974. Ted Kennedy had elbowed Young Hillary a spot on the impeachment-inquiry, apparently in the hopes that she'd subvert the process in furtherance of Teddy's own aims (and those of the party whose Presidential nominee he expected to be).

I can see why Clinton is so miffed about Kennedy endorsing Obama, especially given how doggedly and unethically she did his bidding.

This whole column is worth a read, but here are a couple highlights...

I'll let you take a look.

And how about a look at Hillary's papers? Hmm, Bill?

UPDATE: Captain's Quarters on Hillary's fundraising.

UPDATE: Peggy Noonan on Hillary, "Can Mrs. Clinton Lose?":
She often talks about how tough she is. She has fought "the Republican attack machine" that has tried to "stop" her, "end" her, and she knows "how to fight them." She is preoccupied to an unusual degree with toughness. A man so preoccupied would seem weak. But a woman obsessed with how tough she is just may be lethal.
So I don't know. Being part of the "right wing conspiracy" I wouldn't bet against Hillary. I would also say Obama to some extent only looks good by comparison--he has his seamy side. He comes from Crook County politics after all, and he's largely been puffed up and given a pass by the press corps, of which a few are having second thoughts.

Previous posts: Hillary's Latino Edge, Naomi Wolf on Fox, Chicago's Subway Series, Hillary Crying Again, Pity Me Hillary

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